“Working for Coolmine, the most interesting for me is watching clients progress in recovery. They are supported and guided along their own recovery path with compassion and a client centred approach. This is invaluable to the client and the interesting progression is part of their own empowerment towards living a happy balanced life.
“Coolmine are invested in each person’s pathway, offering a variety of diverse groups to suits different client needs at that time. One to one key working sessions also are invaluable particularly when clients are completing their recovery in the community.
“Having begun my own recovery, supported by a community drugs worker in East Cork, people are often interested to find out how I accomplished my progression from living in active addiction to now working with Coolmine. Enrolling in College, changing my life and my children’s lives, with the support and guidance from Coolmine, and attending cognitive behavioural groups, such as Smart Recovery.
There is always Hope. Knowing this builds motivation to help change some aspects of a client’s thoughts, leading to changes in behaviours, therefore enhancing the overall lifestyle for the client and of course their families.
“In my role, I look forward to facilitating Smart Recovery meetings, Acupuncture and Meditation Groups. I look forward to meeting with my colleagues every day. I look forward to chatting with clients and also I enjoy the regular pro-social events organised by Coolmine for staff and clients. I look forward to upcoming trainings which are provided regularly by Coolmine. I have attended lots of training provided by Coolmine, which I am very thankful for. Case Management, Dual Diagnosis, Acupuncture, Children’s First Policy, Overview of Smart Recovery, Custom Guide IT Skills Training, Facilitating groups training, among others.
“My previous beliefs around addiction have changed. Addiction is an unhealthy response to unhealed trauma, build on small positive goals which over time result in big accomplishments. Replacing negative thoughts, with positivity helps realign a person’s outlook on life. With support of trained staff and an interagency approach which Coolmine are absolutely committed to.
“There is always Hope. There is always support and guidance available. Harm Reduction/Relapse is often part of the process, not the end of trying, just a lesson to be learned from. Self-love and Self-Compassion are extremely important to have for yourself. Awareness and practice are key.”